【同义词辨析】 2020-08-11 光滑sleek-satiny

sleek: suggests a smoothness or brightness resulting from attentive grooming or excellent physical condition: a ~ race horse.      smooth平整applies to a flat or even surface especially free of irregularities表示平面没有不规则,如a smooth dance floor平整舞池)   (groom本意是to clean or brush an animal给马等动物梳洗,如to groom a horse/dog/cat刷洗马/狗/猫,引申为梳妆打扮,如you should always pay attention to personal grooming你应随时注意个人仪容. groom作名词表示马夫新郎)   又如sleek black hair乌黑光滑的头发,如the sleek lines of the new car新车流畅的线条,如a sleek yacht造型流畅的游艇,如a sleek and ambitious politician衣冠楚楚、野心勃勃的政客

slick: suggests extreme smoothness that results in an unsafe or slippery surface: slipped and fell on the ~ floor.   这个词还常表示华而不实花言巧语

glossy: suggests a surface that is smooth and highly polished: photographs having a ~ finish.     polish磨亮优雅修养to rub something with a cloth to make it shine,比喻优雅修养=refinement,如each morning he shaved and polished his shoes他每早刮脸鞋)     glossy hair光亮的头发,a glossy brochure/magazine/photograph用亮光纸印刷的小册子/杂志/光亮的照片,来自gloss亮光漆、光泽涂料paint which, when dry, has a hard shiny surface,如two coats of gloss两层亮光漆

silken, silky: imply the smoothness and luster as well as the softness of silk: ~ hair(en); expensive dresses made of ~ fabrics(y).   光泽

satiny: applies to what is soft and smooth and shining: a flower's ~ petals.   丝织物中,"者为者为",silken,silky为丝绸,satiny为缎子

sleek光滑: 指平滑光亮,如因梳妆打扮,或身体健康,slick光滑: 表示光滑到不安全,glossy光滑: 也表示平滑光亮,silken, silky丝绸般的: 指光泽柔滑,satiny缎子般的: 同上

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSGSSS想成5Star Grade5星级<==光滑

         2)光滑的意思是外表平滑光亮mean having a smooth bright surface or appearance.